The entire time spent in Germany was incredibly fascinating to me. Studying the Holocaust is something I am incredibly passionate about, and I absorbed absolutely everything I could while being there. It was also a very thought provoking couple days spent with our group. Within the group here there are many grandchildren of survivors and people had very strong and averse reactions to being in Germany. That was also incredibly interesting to try and sympathize with. My thoughts on the Holocaust and being in Germany are incredibly extensive and too long to put up here, so I'll just share a sampling, and then I'll give the highlights of the time in Berlin.
First, I don't think Germany should be paying (for lack of a better word) reparations to our generation. They didn't do anything to us, and while it's important for us to have a more unbiased view of modern day Germany I do not think it's my generations right to forgive Germany. The people living in Germany now are not the people who committed the gross crimes against humanity, so while it is their role to not let it happen again why are they the ones left with the burden to make everyone forgive them? This goes along with the incredibly negative reactions to people within my group. I don't agree with everyone's reactions, but I do respect them, the Holocaust is an incredibly sensitive and personal subject and I have no right to comment or critique how anyone deals with it, but the people that are so holed up in their close minded perception that Germany was once bad and thus is still bad today is aggravating. Throughout our five day stay there there were people who were so angry we were in Germany that they spent the entire time shrouded with anger and resentment and didn't give themselves a chance to maybe, possibly, appreciate Germany the slightest bit. And my final thought for now, Germany has done an incredible job making reparations and making it so that Jews can be comfortable being in Germany and being open about being German. The country that has not done anything of that sort is Poland. Anti-Semetism in Poland is at all new high, it's worse than what I described in Hungary. You have to be so careful if you're Jewish there, and so wary of people finding out, and what is Poland doing about that? Absolutely nothing, the government may not be actively encouraging it, but they are certainly not doing anything to put a stop to it. During WWII while Poland did not initiate the persecution of the Jews, Homosexuals, and Gypsies they let Germany in with open arms, they got to be rid of the scum of society without being blamed for it. And to this day they have no huge fault in the Holocaust. Yes Auschwitz is on their land but it was the Germans who built it, not the Polish. There is no government funded reparations program in Poland and Jews go there all the time, without these incredibly negative reactions to the country. Instead when they see Auschwitz, they hate Germany.
The majority of our time in Germany was spent visiting Holocaust Memorial and learning about the Holocaust, and then the last day was spent learning about Modern Day Germany, the government and the Jewish life currently. The first couple days were far more interesting to me.
The first thing we did when we got to Berlin was to see the famous wall. The wall is divided into sections and each section is decorated by a different artist. And the artists change every couple years. Currently all of the art work is for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall. It was beautiful, art as far as the eye could see.

My favorite thing in Berlin was the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It was designed and installed within the last five years and it was an incredibly powerful memorial. It was the first time that there was not some overwhelming significance and symbolism to the memorial. The memorial is made up of, honestly, these coffin shaped rectangles of varying heights, repeated over and over and over again in rows and rows and rows. As you walk into the memorial these rectangles rise up on either side of you and you feel incredibly small. There are no names on the rectangles, nor is there any significance to the number of them there. The number is 2107 or something like that, and it does not correlate to the 6 million who were killed. At first I was really put off that there wasn't some significance but as I walked into the memorial I felt so much more than I expected and it didn't matter than the names and the places were not listed somewhere, the feeling was enough. One of the most powerful feelings was standing in the memorial looking down these alleys and rows, and people would suddenly appear coming from some other direction, and they'd be within your line of sight for a couple seconds and then they'd disappear, and if they were a stranger you would never see them again. An eerie sort of coincidence is the company that makes the graffiti resistant paint that coats each individual rectangle in the memorial is the same company that made the gas that used during WWII for execution.

One final non-Holocaust related memory of Berlin was climbing to the top of the Parliament building. On the rood of the building is this huge mirrored, metal structure that you can climb and see a lot of the city.