Our trip started in Toledo. We stayed in a gorgeous hotel right outside of the old city. The first full day we had a tour of the old city. We went to this incredible church that was absolutely gorgeous in it's over the top showiness. We also went to an old synagogue that has since been turned into a historical site. It is Kivunim's custom to sing when we are in synagogues around the world but when we were here we had to get permission from the people working there. They were worried of extra attention being drawn to us if we were singing Jewish songs. In the end we were able to sing though.
A couple views from around Toldeo
The rest of the time in Toledo was spent on our own, exploring and eating at some of the local restaurants. The major food theme of my trip to Spain was seafood. Seafood paella, squid...etc. There was also ham and pork everywhere but I stayed away from that....although most of our program tried it, even though they normally keep kosher (among other things; no pig products).From Toledo we went to Grenada, with a stop along the way in Jaen (pronounced Chai-en). In Jaen there is a large initiative on the part of the government to restore the historical Jewish sites around the city. There are old Jewish homes that are being restored, and the old Jewish quarter is being brought to people's attention.

The Alhambra

From Grenada we moved on to Cordoba. Along the way we stopped in Seville to visit the foundation of three cultures. It is an initiative between the Spanish and Moroccan governments to establish a coexistence organization in Spain. It includes Islam, Christianity and Judaism, although the foundation prefers to refer to them as cultures as opposed to religions. This is in part due to the stigma that the word religion carries and additionally their belief that these three different groups are more of a culture than a religion.
Foundation of Three Cultures

Then on to Cordoba. Here we stayed within the walls of the old city. We toured La Mesquita, which used to be a mosque but in the 16th century (I believe) it was converted to a Church. It has been used a mosque twice since it has changed over. This church was also incredible. Huge with grandiose decorations although it was not quite as over the top as the Cathedral in Toledo, I think because it was originally a mosque. Mosques in general are just as intricate and thoughtful as churches, just without all the paintings and art because Islam forbids imagery of Muhammad and frowns upon imagery of other figures.
Cathedral in Toledo

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